Angular CDK Drag & Drop: Multi Direction Movement

In this quick guide, we will learn how to handle movement in both directions (vertical & horizontal) using Angular CDK Drag & Drop

25th August, 2024 — 2 min read

## Angular CDK Drag & Drop The `@angular/cdk/drag-drop` module allows you to effortlessly and declaratively build drag-and-drop interfaces. It supports free dragging, list sorting, item transfers between lists, animations, touch devices, custom drag handles, previews, placeholders, horizontal lists, and axis locking. ## Reordering lists Wrapping a set of `cdkDrag` elements with `cdkDropList` groups them into a reorderable collection. As elements move, they will automatically rearrange. However, this won't update your data model; you can listen to the `cdkDropListDropped` event to update the data model after the user finishes dragging.
### Orientations Angular CDK supports 2 orientations for reordering lists: vertical (default) and horizontal. The `cdkDropList` directive assumes that lists are vertical by default. This can be changed by setting the `cdkDropListOrientation` property to `horizontal`.
### Mixed Orientation By default, `cdkDropList` sorts items by moving them with a CSS transform. This enables animated sorting for a better user experience, but it only works in one direction: either vertically or horizontally. From Angular Material `v18.1.0`, for sortable lists that need to wrap, you can set `cdkDropListOrientation="mixed"`. This uses a different sorting strategy by moving elements in the DOM, allowing items to wrap to the next line. However, it cannot animate the sorting action.
Dharmen Shah
Written by Dharmen Shah

I have around 8+ years of experience in IT industry. I have got opportunity to work at different companies with different technologies, mostly focused on Front-end, like Angular, React, Next, vanilla web stack (HTML, CSS, JavaScript).

You can find me on Twitter, Linkedin and Github.

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