> In this quick guide, we will learn how to modify theme for Angular Material 18 with CSS variables.
## Creating Project with Angular Material 18
npm i -g @angular/cli
ng new angular-material-theming-css-vars --style scss --skip-tests --defaults
cd angular-material-theming-css-vars
ng add @angular/material
And select answers as below:
? Choose a prebuilt theme name, or "custom" for a custom theme: Custom
? Set up global Angular Material typography styles? Yes
? Include the Angular animations module? Include and enable animations
## The define-theme mixin
Take a look at `src/styles.scss`. Notice the usage of `define-theme` mixin:
// Define the theme object.
$angular-material-theming-css-vars-theme: mat.define-theme(
color: (
theme-type: light,
primary: mat.$azure-palette,
tertiary: mat.$blue-palette,
density: (
scale: 0,
We are going to make changes in above code later on to achieve customizations through CSS custom properties.
## CSS custom properties emitted by theme mixins
To further customize your UI beyond the `define-theme` API, you can manually set these custom properties in your styles.
For example, take a look at below code snippets:
Some content...
Some sidenav content...
Enable admin mode
@use '@angular/material' as mat;
$light-theme: mat.define-theme();
$dark-theme: mat.define-theme((
color: (
theme-type: dark
html {
// Apply the base theme at the root, so it will be inherited by the whole app.
@include mat.all-component-themes($light-theme);
mat-sidenav {
// Override the colors to create a dark sidenav.
@include mat.all-component-colors($dark-theme);
.danger {
// Override the checkbox hover state to indicate that this is a dangerous setting. No need to
// target the internal selectors for the elements that use these variables.
--mdc-checkbox-unselected-hover-state-layer-color: red;
--mdc-checkbox-unselected-hover-icon-color: red;
Notice that we are change colors of checkbox through `--mdc-checkbox-unselected-hover-state-layer-color` and `--mdc-checkbox-unselected-hover-icon-color` CSS properties in `.danger` class.
These CSS custom properties emitted by the theme mixins are derived from [M3's design tokens](https://m3.material.io/foundations/design-tokens/overview).
This approach requires you to inspect each and every component, find out the needed CSS custom properties and then change them.
But, there is a better and scalable way to achieve theme customizations.
## Using `sys` variables
There are total 3 properties (a.k.a. dimensions) allowed in `define-theme` mixin.
1. `color` - [Optional] A map of color options
2. `typography` - [Optional] A map of typography options.
3. `density` - [Optional] A map of density options.
With `color` and `typography` maps, apart from main properties, Angular Material team has introduced a new property called `use-system-variables` of type boolean.
Let's use the in our theme mixin:
$angular-material-theming-css-vars-theme: mat.define-theme(
color: (
theme-type: light,
primary: mat.$azure-palette,
tertiary: mat.$blue-palette,
use-system-variables: true, // 👈 Added
typography: (
use-system-variables: true, // 👈 Added
density: (
scale: 0,
After above, we will also need to include 2 more mixins:
:root {
@include mat.all-component-themes($angular-material-theming-css-vars-theme);
@include mat.system-level-colors($angular-material-theming-css-vars-theme); // 👈 Added
@include mat.system-level-typography($angular-material-theming-css-vars-theme); // 👈 Added
If you inspect the output in browser, you will notice that majority of the Angular Material CSS Custom Properties (`--mat-*` and `--mdc-*`) now read values from `--sys-*` CSS variables. Take a look at below screenshot for example:
![browser inspector showing usage of sys variables](/assets/angular-material.dev/Angular%20Material%20Theming%20with%20CSS%20Variables/sys_variables_odwnvu.png)
This means that we can simply change a particular set of `--sys-*` CSS variables to achieve the theme we want. But, what are all the possible sys variables?
### All possible sys variables
The `--sys-*` variables are generated for 2 dimensions: color and typography. So, all the sys variables should be supporting all possible values of color and typography. And to get all the possible values, we can simply take a look at [Reading color roles](https://material.angular.io/guide/theming-your-components#reading-color-roles) and [Reading typescale properties](https://material.angular.io/guide/theming-your-components#reading-typescale-properties).
![embedded video](/assets/angular-material.dev/Angular%20Material%20Theming%20with%20CSS%20Variables/sys_vars_wmtyc9.mp4)
### Finding and modifying right sys variable
So, if you want to modify color role `primary`, you would modify `--sys-primary` variables. Similarly, for `surface`, `secondary`, `on-primary`, you would modify `--sys-surface`, `--sys-secondary` and `--sys-on-primary`.
And for typography, to change `body-large` level's `font`, we would modify `--sys-body-large-font` variable.
### Changing `mat-flat-button`'s color and background color
Let's take an example of `mat-flat-button`. Let's use it in `app.component`:
Flat Button
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { MatButtonModule } from '@angular/material/button'; // 👈 Added
selector: 'app-root',
standalone: true,
imports: [MatButtonModule], // 👈 Added
templateUrl: './app.component.html',
styleUrl: './app.component.scss',
export class AppComponent {
Now, you can simply go to browser, open the inspector, and simply change `--sys-primary` and `--sys-on-primary` variables to see the changes:
![embedded video](/assets/angular-material.dev/Angular%20Material%20Theming%20with%20CSS%20Variables/change_sys_vars_sz4lfc.mp4)
### Using `@material/material-color-utilities` library
Another way to change sys variables is using the [`@material/material-color-utilities`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@material/material-color-utilities).
Let's install it:
npm i @material/material-color-utilities
Next, we will use it's `argbFromHex`,`themeFromSourceColor` and `applyTheme` functions to generate all sys variables.
generateDynamicTheme(ev: Event) {
const fallbackColor = '#005cbb';
const sourceColor = (ev.target as HTMLInputElement).value;
let argb;
try {
argb = argbFromHex(sourceColor);
} catch (error) {
// falling to default color if it's invalid color
argb = argbFromHex(fallbackColor);
const targetElement = document.documentElement;
// Get the theme from a hex color
const theme = themeFromSourceColor(argb);
// Print out the theme as JSON
console.log(JSON.stringify(theme, null, 2));
// Identify if user prefers dark theme
const systemDark = window.matchMedia(
'(prefers-color-scheme: dark)'
// Apply theme to root element
applyTheme(theme, {
target: targetElement,
dark: systemDark,
brightnessSuffix: true,
const styles = targetElement.style;
for (const key in styles) {
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(styles, key)) {
const propName = styles[key];
if (propName.indexOf('--md-sys') === 0) {
const sysPropName = '--sys' + propName.replace('--md-sys-color', '');
Lastly, we will add the `input` to allow user to change the colors:
Change Seed Color
Now, if you look at the output, observe that all the `--sys-*` colors are generated dynamically according to Material 3 design specs.
![embedded video](/assets/angular-material.dev/Angular%20Material%20Theming%20with%20CSS%20Variables/material_helper_library_ats3ny.mp4)
## Conclusion
We learned that `define-theme` mixin emits custom CSS properties like `--mdc-checkbox-unselected-hover-state-layer-color` and `--mdc-checkbox-unselected-hover-icon-color`. And we can change them to modify the theme. But, a drawback would be you will have to find out such properties for each and every components.
Next, we saw that it is also possible to modify a set of `--sys-*` variables to achieve the desired customizations in theme. With `--sys-*`, we have access to color roles and typescale properties for all typography levels.
Lastly, we learned the usage of `@material/material-color-utilities` library and how it is very much helpful in creating the dynamic themes.
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## New Course Announcement
This article covers just the colors in Angular Material 18 for Material 3. If you want to learn more about Angular Material for Material 3 design, I have introduced a new course, feel free to check it out!
[![Angular Material 3 Theming System: Complete Guide](/assets/courses/m3-ng-components/img/cover.jpg "Angular Material 3 Theming System: Complete Guide")](/courses/overview/m3-ng-components)