Creating Angular Components with Material Components Web
Creating Angular Components with Material Components Web

Creating Angular Components with Material Components Web

# Creating Banner: Simple Approach In this approach we will create [banner]( component in Angular using Material Components Web using simple approach. The straightforward procedure can be summarized as follows: 1. Incorporate the Component's CSS on the webpage in any preferred manner. 2. Construct a **wrapper component** for Angular, and add a property that will be assigned the value of the MDC Web Component. Let's refer to this as `mdcComponent`. 3. Upon **initialization** of the wrapper component (for instance, when it's instantiated and connected to the DOM), instantiate the MDC Web component with a root element, and assign it to the mdcComponent property. 4. When the wrapper component is **destroyed** (like when it's unbound and detached from the DOM), invoke `mdcComponent.destroy()` to clean up the MDC Web component. Let's get started! ## 1. Create a wrapper component ```bash ng g c shared/components/banner-simple ``` ## 2 Component template Let's keep the simple template from [official docs]( ```html ``` ## 3 Component implementation It's time to make changes so that `MDCBanner` is initialized and works as expected: ```ts @Component({ selector: 'app-banner-simple', standalone: true, imports: [CommonModule], templateUrl: './banner-simple.component.html' }) export class BannerSimpleComponent implements OnDestroy { private _elementRef = inject(ElementRef); mdcBanner: MDCBanner | undefined; constructor() { afterNextRender( () => { if (this.elementRef) { const element = this.elementRef.nativeElement.querySelector('.mdc-banner'); if (element) { // 1. Render banner this.banner = new MDCBanner(element); // 2. Render buttons element.querySelectorAll('.mdc-button').forEach((btnEle) => { this.mdcButtons.push(new MDCRipple(btnEle)); }); } } }, { phase: AfterRenderPhase.Write } ); } ngOnDestroy(): void { this.mdcBanner?.destroy(); } } ``` Below are few things to note in above code: 1. We are using `afterNextRender` hook, so that code builds fine even when SSR is enabled 2. As you can see, we are simply using `MDCBanner` constructor to create the banner. 3. We are also calling `` so that banner is opened and visible. ## 4. Component styles Now, for styling we will import needed styles in `src/styles/_banner.scss`: ```scss // src/styles/_banner.scss @use "@material/banner/styles"; @use "@material/button/styles" as mdcButtonStyles; ``` And we will use that in main `styles.scss`: ```scss // src/styles.scss @use "./styles/banner"; ``` ## 5. Component usage Now we can simply use `app-banner-simple` like below: ```html ``` ## 6. Making it better We can even make the component better to support all options of [banner]( with `@Input`s and providing more methods to interact with banner. Below is the full code: ```html
{{ text }}
{{ secondaryAction }}
{{ primaryAction }}
``` ```ts // src/app/shared/components/banner-simple/banner-simple.component.ts import { AfterRenderPhase, AfterViewInit, Component, ElementRef, Input, OnDestroy, ViewChild, afterNextRender, afterRender, inject, } from '@angular/core'; import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common'; import { CloseReason, MDCBanner } from '@material/banner'; import { MDCRipple } from '@material/ripple'; @Component({ selector: 'app-banner-simple', standalone: true, imports: [CommonModule], templateUrl: './banner-simple.component.html', }) export class BannerSimpleComponent implements OnDestroy { @Input() primaryAction: string = ''; @Input() secondaryAction: string = ''; @Input({ required: true }) text!: string; @Input() centered: boolean = false; @Input() fixed: boolean = false; @Input() mobileStacked: boolean = false; banner!: MDCBanner; @ViewChild('mdcBanner') mdcBanner!: ElementRef; elementRef = inject>(ElementRef); mdcButtons: MDCRipple[] = []; constructor() { afterNextRender( () => { if (this.elementRef) { const element = this.elementRef.nativeElement.querySelector('.mdc-banner'); if (element) { // 1. Render banner this.banner = new MDCBanner(element); // 2. Render buttons element.querySelectorAll('.mdc-button').forEach((btnEle) => { this.mdcButtons.push(new MDCRipple(btnEle)); }); } } }, { phase: AfterRenderPhase.Write } ); } ngOnDestroy(): void { this.mdcButtons.forEach((btn) => btn.destroy()); this.banner?.destroy(); } open() {; } close(reason: CloseReason = CloseReason.UNSPECIFIED) { this.banner.close(reason); } } ```
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