The only course you will need for Angular Material 3 Theming

Angular Material 3 Theming System: Complete Guide

3d illustration of crown

In this course, we will learn about modifying themes and typography and much more using new SASS mixins in Angular Material Components for Material 3.

What's included?

When you buy the course, you gain access to everything included in the course. This includes all premium articles, and any future additions we make to the course.

There are no recurring subscriptions, and you won't be charged for updates. You make a one-time payment and enjoy perpetual access to all our premium course content.

Version Compatibility

The content, code and steps explained this course, works with Angular 18, Angular Material/CDK 18 and Material 3 design.

What is covered?

  1. Getting Started
    1. Overview - Summary of version compatibility, chapters, article titles and what is covered
    2. Angular Material Components - What is it and what are latest changes to adhere to the new Material 3 design system
    3. Theming Dimensions
  2. Development Environment
    1. Setting up the project


Simple, textual course.

one-time payment, plus local taxes

  • Premium Chapters & Articles - Access to premium articles explaining everything you need to know for Angular Material 18 for Material 3 design.
Most popular!
Advanced, interactive course.

one-time payment, plus local taxes

Get it on Angular UI!
  • Basics included - Everything from the Basic plan, plus:
  • Latest updates - Created for Angular Material 19
  • Lifetime access - Unlock perpetual access to everything existing, along with any future additions, all at a straightforward one-time cost.
  • Watch anywhere, anytime - Access video lessons online and view them on your schedule.
  • Live demos of each course - Each course includes a live demo that runs directly in your browser.
  • Complete project files - Get access to all source code and project files used throughout the courses.
  • Written guides & code references - Each lesson includes detailed text summaries and ready-to-use code snippets for quick reference.
  • Invoice & Receipts - Receive detailed invoices and receipts to facilitate employer reimbursements for your coding education.


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Angular Material Dev

Angular Material Dev is one place stop for developers to learn about integrating Material Design in Angular applications like a pro.

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